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Destroyed wheelhouse to be replaced in Duisburg
The "Eljo“, 1253 ts (EU-No.: 04601590), was allowed to proceed from its temporary mooring at Groß-Gleidingen to a repair yard in Duisburg on Oct 29. The damage was estimated to be around 150000 Euro. Human error was found out to have been the cause of the E 605-bridge allision on Oct 26 at 6.10 p.m. between Üfingen and Groß Gleidingen while the ship was prepared to pass the locks in Üfingen. The master who was severly injured at the head when the wheelhouse was destroyed is still in intensive care in the hospital Lebenstedt, but reported to be in stable condition. A Citroen which was pushed into the canal was recovered by divers of the fire brigade of the Salzgittar AG jointly with members of the German Life Saving Society (DLRG) in the night of Oct 27. On the whole 50 rescue workers were on scene after the accident. At 10.15 p.m. the ship traffic could be resumed. German report with photo:
Captain severely injured in bridge allsion
On Oct 26, 2012, at 6.15 p.m. the "Eljo" allided with a bridge on the Salzgitter Canal near the Üfinger lock. TThe shi had unloaded coal in Beddingen and struck the bridge at Üfingen when passing underneath. The captain was severely injured and had to be freed from the debris of the wheelhouse by the fire rescue. After the accident, the steerless ship had drifted 500 metres on the canal before a crew member was able to dock it at the North shore using a console under deck. The fire rescue was able to board the ship with a ladder than and treated the captain before cutting the debris away in order to get him off before he was transferred to the hospital in Lebenstedt. One of the cars on the ship's deck was also pushed into the canal. Divers of the fire rescue searched for some hours for the wreck which was recovered with a mobile crane about 9 p.m. The Salzgitter Canal was closed for ship traffic, the bridge was investigated by experts in the night hours. Human error was thought to have contributed to the accident. German reports with photos:
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