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Bulkcarrier refloated
The 'Rt.Hon.Paul J.Martin' was refloated in the morning of Oct 12, after it was grounded for nearly a week in the St. Lawrence seaway. While the vessel has some damage, but that there were no injuries or pollution. 5200 metric tons of iron ore on board the vessel were offloaded onto three barges to lighten the vessel. The 'Rt.Hon.Paul J.Martin' was moved to Prescott, Ontario and expected to continue to Quebec City after repairs were made. An investigation was launched to find out the reason for the grounding. Report with photo: https://cnycentral.com/news/local/ship-grounded-in-st-lawrence-seaway-now-refloated
Lightering operation has commenced
A salvage plan has been approved by the Unified Command overseeingthe grounding of the 'Rt.Hon.Paul J.Martin' on the St. Lawrence Seaway off Galop Island. Salvage operations were planned to start in the afternoon of Oct 10. An estimated 5,000 metric tons of iron ore has to be removed from the vessel and offloaded onto awaiting barges to lighten the vessel. The seaway in the vicinity of Galop Island will be closed to all vessel traffic during salvage operations.
Both tugs on scene
Both salvage tugs have arrived at the grounding site of the 'Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin' near Galup Island in the St. Lawrence River in the afternoon of Oct 10. The 'Ocean Comeau' had arrived in the morning while the 'Ocean Echo II' passed Valleyfield, Quebec around 8 a.m. on its way to the stuck vessel. Barges were also on their way to offload cargo from the vessel which was resting opposite Red Mills in the town of Lisbon. Seaway traffic has been allowed past the ship while officials investigated the grounding. The Unified Command which has been set up meanwhile has approved the salvage plan.
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