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Medevac off Raz Blanchard
In the afternoon of July 28, 2022, the CROSS Jobourg was informed of the injury of a passenger at his arm on board the 'Bretagne' in the Raz Blanchard. A medical evacuation had to be carried out. The CROSS deployed a Cayman helicopter of the Navy base in Maupertus, with a medical team on board. The medical team carried out an initial medical check-up and prepared the patient for his evacuation by air. After he was hoisted aboard the helicopter, the victim was dropped off in Cherbourg and was transported to the Pasteur hospital.
Medevac off Carteret
In the morning of June 3, 2022, a passenger fell ill aboard the 'Bretagne'off Carteret. The captain of the ferry, which sails between Saint-Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine) and Portsmouth (UK), requested assistance from the CROSS Jobourg and the center of maritime medical consultation (CCMM) in Toulouse. The CROSS immediately established a conference call with the CCMM's doctor and the ferry, following which a medical evacuation was recommended by the doctor. The CROSS Jobourgdeployed a Dragon 50 hjelicopter of the Civil Security with a mobile emergency and maritime resuscitation team from Granville on board. The medical team carried out an initial assessment and conditioned the victim who, in a second step, was hoisted aboard the helicopter and transported to the University Hospital of Caen.
Crew members walked off ship
The crew members of the French ferry 'Bretagne' disengaged on May 26, 2022, at the time of the stopover in Saint-Malo. They expressed their dissatisfaction with wage negotiations and working conditions. The crew members held a general meeting on the ship before being heard by two members of the management. At 10.50 a.m. the ship returned to Portsmouth.
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