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Fish inspector missing after collision in Pacific
The 'Ría de Aldán' was in collision with the trawler 'Canaima' (IMO: 7123485) about 240 miles from Punta Pitt, on the island of San Cristóbal, on May 15, 2024. The 'Caanaima' capsized and sank, and the biologist Faustino Riveiro Cabrera, a 53-year-old Venezuelan national with a family in Vigo, was missing. The Ecuadorian Navy investigates the accident. The crew of the 'Canaima' jumped into an auxiliary boat, but Faustino, at the last moment returned to the longliner when it finally sank in a matter of minutes. The 'Ría de Aldán' rescued the castaway and searched for the missing inspector along with the 'Tunapesca', which was also in the area. The Ecuadorian Navy deployed the coast guard vessel 'San Cristóbal' and has requested support from other vessels that were nearby. The 'Ría de Aldá' had suffered a small crack in the bow bulb. Report with video: https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/somosmar/2024/05/17/desapareceun-biologo-hijo-vigueses-naufragio-atunero-proximo-galapagos/00031715956306038255900.htm
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