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Research vessel to search for victims of storm Dana
The 'Ramón Margalef' was mobilised by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU), through the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), to search for victims of the storm Dana off the coast of Valencia, after a previous call at Alicante to embark technical equipment and research personnel, with an ETA as of Nov 9, 2024. The vessel has a multibeam echosounder system,that allows obtaining detailed images of the seabed, generating high-resolution bathymetric maps. It also has on board the Liropus 2000 underwater robot, with articulated arms and high-resolution cameras, which can contribute to search and rescue tasks on the high seas, and is equipped to operate unmanned underwater vehicles (ROV). The 'Ramón Margalef' will be staffed with personnel with experience in emergency operations and specialists in the analysis of the ecological effects of massive runoff events at sea, contributing to the monitoring of water quality and the observation of phenomena such as eutrophication, anoxia and phytoplanktonic blooms, among other environmental impacts caused by the storm.
Survey sip in standoff with Royal Navy
The British Foreign Office summoned the Spanish ambassador in London after the "Ramon Margalef" defied repeated orders from British Royal Navy patrol boat HMS "Sabre" to leave the area. The ship entered British Gibraltar Territorial Waters on Nov 18, 2013, around 5 p.m. and was still there on Nov 19 afternoon. The captain of the vessel insisted he was carrying out survey work with the permission of the Spanish government. According to the Ministry of Defence the ship entered British Gibraltar Territorial Waters on the evening of Nov 18 and unlawfully conducted survey operations for 22 hours in violation of United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The RN Gibraltar Squadron's Fast Patrol Boats HMS "Sabre" and HMS "Scimitar", in accordance with UNCLOS, challenged the "Ramon Margalef"'s presence by issuing appropriate warnings and preventing the deployment of the "Ramon Margalef"'s oceanographic surveying probe. There was no damage to any Royal Navy or Spanish equipment or vessels and no injuries were incurred. The actions of the Royal Navy were fully in accordance with Her Majesty's Government's commitment to uphold the sovereignty of Gibraltar with a range of proportionate responses. Report with Audio: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/gibraltar/10460388/Spanish-ship-defies-Royal-Navys-orders-to-leave-Gibraltars-waters.html
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