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Global Research has been in contact with the Rachel Corrie, a Malaysian ship carrying a humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza, which has been attacked in international waters by Israel. The vessel left the Port of Piraeus, Greece on Wednesday, May 11 carrying 7.5 kilometers of UPVC (plastic) sewage pipes to help restore the devastated sewerage system in Gaza. The humanitarian initiative is sponsored by Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) and participating in this mission includes anti-war activists and journalists, consisting of 7 Malaysians, 2 Irish, 2 Indians and 1 Canadian. The Spirit of Rachel Corrie is an initiative of The Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF) chaired by Malaysia's former Prime minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. The Center for Research on Globalization (CRG)http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=24783
The "Rachel Corrie" may sail from the port of Ashdod within weeks after Irish activists who last month attempted to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza onboard the vessel were told it was ready to be released. The ship has remained in Ashdod since early June 2010, following its interception by Israeli forces in international waters off the coast of Gaza. It was the last remaining vessel of an international aid flotilla attempting to breach the blockade. It is unlikely that the ship will return to Ireland, where it set sail from Dundalk in mid-May. Possible destinations included ports in Greece and Italy. Earlier this month Mr Graham, his wife and Denis Halliday attended a conference in Kuala Lumpur hosted by the organisation, which was chaired by former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. Mr Graham said that it was agreed at the gathering that the organisation would “work closely” with the Irish activists with a view to organising similar attempts to break the Gaza blockade in the future
Israel says Gaza-bound Rachel Corrie ignores invitation to dock at Ashdod port. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Saturday said the Gaza-bound 'Rachel Corrie' has ignored two invitations to dock at Ashdod port, where its cargo would be inspected and then transfered to the Gaza Strip. http://wireupdate.com/local/israel-says-gaza-bound-rachel-corrie-ignores-invitation-to-dock-at-ashdod-port/
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