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Ferry delayed after discovery of unattended car
The departure of the 'Queen of Oak Bay' was delayed for more than an hour and a half after crew discovered an unattended car after the ship docked in Nanaimo in the morning of Oct 13, 2021. The ferry had completed its first sailing of the day from Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay and was unloading at the ferry terminal when the vehicle was found, triggering a land and sea search by Nanaimo RCMP, Canadian Coast Guard and Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, which searched the waters in Departure Bay and the ferry’s route on the Strait of Georgia. During the search, police received a call from officers on the mainland who said a woman in her 50’s was found in the water near the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal. The woman was taken to hospital in the Lower Mainland where she is being assessed.
Queen of Oak Bay returned to service
The Queen of Oak Bay returned to her regular route between Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland on Jan 15, 2012, after being out of service slightly more than two days. Mechanical errors forced the vessel off her route late on Jan 12, resulting in eight cancelled sailings over two days on various routes. B.C. Ferries moved a ship from the Tsawwassen-Departure Bay route up to Horseshoe Bay to replace the ferry, causing other cancellations. Engineers found a blown cylinder in one of the vessel’s two main engines. B.C. Ferries crews were out on Jan 14 afternoon, doing test runs with inspectors from Transportation Canada. Sea trials lasted more than four hours. With the vessel running again, the "Coastal Renaissance" was returned to the Tsawwassen run.
Queen of Oak Bay out of service after engine breakdown
BC Ferries has been forced to cancel eight sailings on its three main routes between Vancouver, Victoria and Nanaimo on Friday because of a mechanical breakdown of the "Queen of Oak Bay" on Jan 12, 2012. The incident happened on the 5 p.m. sailing of the "Queen of Oak Bay" about 10 minutes before its scheduled arrival at the Horseshoe Bay terminal when one of four engines on the vessel broke down. The vessel came to an abrupt stop, fire alarms went off and smoke could be seen because of the engine failure. After engineers sorted out the problem, the captain managed to bring the vessel safely into Horseshoe Bay under the power of one engine. The vessel was taken out of service for repairs, forcing BC Ferries to reroute several vessels and cancel eight sailings on three routes on Jan 13.
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