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Party ship sank again
During a storm on Aug 10, 2019, the "Pure Liner 2", 65 ts (EU-No.: 02319756), has been flooded to a large extent in the port of Zaandam at the Sluispolder Way. The ship tilted and partially submerged. The fire brigade could not keep the ship afloat. The port service took over the case. The ship was to be refurbished. It had sunk in Colonia on Dec 27, 2018. Dutch report with photos: https://www.noordhollandsdagblad.nl/cnt/dmf20190811_75211086/partyboot-door-storm-deels-gezonken-in-zaandam?utm_source=www.binnenschifferforum.de&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=/
Party ship raised
On Jan 14 at 1 p.m. the "Pure Liner 2" was raised in the Niehl Port in Colonia. On Jan 11 at 11 p.m. the tug "Catharina 10" had arrived at the sinking site along with the sheerleg "Hebo-Lift 7". Along with the "Hebo-Lift 6" which had already prepared the sinking site on Jan 14 at 8 a.m. both cranes started pulling up the wreck which had a weight of 500 tons with the water inside. A number of high capacity pumps dewatered the ship which will now be investigated by experts. The costs of the salvage operation were several 100.000 Euro. German reports with photos: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure-Liner_2 https://www.tag24.de/nachrichten/schiff-koeln-niehler-hafen-geborgen-hafenbecken-feuerwehr-933667 https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/Partyschiff-geborgen-100.html http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/region/koeln-und-rheinland/Gesunkenes-Partyschiff-in-K%C3%B6ln-geborgen-article4017887.html https://www.express.de/koeln/riesenkran-im-niehler-hafen-abgesoffenes-party-schiff--pure-liner-2--endlich-geborgen-31872166 https://www.ksta.de/koeln/nippes/bergung-im-niehler-hafen-party-schiff-voller-schlamm---aber-kaltes-bier-ist-vorhanden-31873394
On Jan 9 the salvage of the "Pure Liner 2" had started, using the crane ship "Hebolift 6" and the salvage ship "Hebocat 15" of Hebo-Maritime, which connected to the foreship and started raising it. Another crane to support the operation was still underway from the Netherlands, towed by the tug "Catharina 10" (MMSI-No.: 211512540). German report with photo: https://www.ksta.de/koeln/nippes/niehler-hafen-gesunkenes-partyschiff-in-koeln-wird-schritt-fuer-schritt-geborgen-31856806
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