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Medevac on Wester Scheldt
In the morning of Feb 5, 2022, an injured crew member needed to be medevaced from the 'Polar Ecuador' on the Wester Scheldt near Breskens with an SAR helicopter. The man on board the container ship needed urgent medical attention around 09:00 a.m. The KNRM lifeboat 'Zeemanshoop' proceeded to the vessel. An ambulance team was taken on board in the port of Breskens. Just before 11 a.m., a helicopter from the Dutch Coast Guard was also on site. He took the victim aboard. Initially, the man was to be taken to hospital in Goes, but that plan was changed. The helicopter landed with the patientnear the Keerdam just before 11.30 a.m. The victim was then taken to a hospital by ambulance. It was not clear what happened to the man. Reports with photo and video: https://www.hartvannederland.nl/nieuws/misdaad-112/helikopter-takelt-gewonde-man-van-schip-op-westerschelde https://www.knrm.nl/nieuws/knrm-reddingstation-breskens/knrm-breskens-assisteert-bij-medische-evacuatie-containerschip
Reefer needed cylinder maintenance
The "Polar Ecuador", en route from Bremerhaven to Altamira, was undergoing maintenance on the engine cylinders in position 49 11.950 N, 006 09.950 W, on Dec 30, 2018. The vessel has 26032 tonnes of containers on board. The crew Oreported that maintenance on the cylinders would be completed by 11 p.m. A security broadcast was made by the vessel. On Jan 3, 2019, the "Polar Ecuador" was sailing towards Altamira, Mexico, ETA Jan 9.
Five robbers apprehended on New Year's Eve
While the "Polar Ecuador" was at anchor on Jan 1, 2018, five perpetrators boarded the vessel from a motorized banca and stole ship's properties in position 14.34N 120.55E, at Manila South Harbour anchorage at 03.30 a.m. The Master immediately reported the boarding and theft to the port authorities. Upon receipt of the report, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) immediately deployed a vessel to the scene. The PCG vessel located the motor banca, boarded the vessel and apprehended five robbers. Two other robbers managed to jump into the water and escape. Some of the stolen items were recovered by the PCG from the robbers. A welding machine, breathing apparatus, an extension wire and 20 litres of paint were recovered.
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