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Tanker entered port of Flushing for medevacs in stormy weather
On Sep 25, 2012, the lifeboat "Christien" of the KNRM station Breskens medevaced two wounded sailors from the "Tracey Kosan" off Flushing. Both had fallen in the stormy night of Sep 25 and suffered fractures. The tanker at that time was in the anchoring area Schouwenbank. It was requested to move to the Wester Scheldt as the medevac was too risky regarding the stormy weather and the large waves on the Northsea. At 10:22 a.m. alarm was raised at the Breskens station, and the lifeboat rendezvoused with the tanker on Flushing roads. While the boat was still approaching it was decided that the tanker should dock in Flushing East for the medevac. Two crew members of the "Christien" boarded the tanker to evaluate the situation. Once the tanker was berthed in the Bijleveld Port the two wounded were transferred to waiting ambulances using stretchers of the lifeboat and taken to hospital for further treatment. The two men of the "Christien" returned on board with the stretcher, and the boat returned to Breskens. Dutch report with photos: http://www.knrm.nl/service/reddingrapporten/?contentID=6AAAB3B4
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