PENELOPE Ascrapped
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towed to Aliaga as Dead Vessel
towed to Aliaga as Dead Vessel by Protug 40
Sold to Breakers
Ferry to be removed by wreck removal contract
The impending departure of the 'Penelope A' will come as a relief for the Elefsis Port Authority, which has been stuck with it since 2013. The authority, alerted by the ship’s deteriorating condition, had to take the drastic step of declaring the ferry a dangerous and hazardous vessel to expedite a swift removal from its moorings alongside a sunken floating dry dock in Elefsis Bay. To do this, an auction tender was structured along the lines of a wreck removal contract with the contractor obliged to remove the ship from the bay and deliver it to a European Union-approved ship recycling yard. The contract to remove the 'Penelope A' has been awarded to Marshall Islands-registered Valona Shiptrade, which agreed to buy the ship for €361,000 and has lodged a letter of guarantee of €36,100 as security for the successful removal. The company has been contractually bound to remove the vessel within three months. The long laid-up ship is in a decrepit condition. Work will have to be done to secure it for a two-day tow across the Aegean Sea to a recycling facility in Aliaga. Workers are already be on board, making the ferry seaworthy enough for the voyage. At the same time, the Agoudimos Lines branding has been painted over. The 'Penelope A' was the last of the Agoudimos Lines’s ships in service when it attempted to operate a summer season of domestic voyages in 2013 which ended in August. While docked in Rafina, the crew staged a sit-in demanding they get paid their back wages. The ship was towed to an anchorage in 2014 in Elefsina and left to rot. Attempts were made periodically to auction the ship, but the process got caught up in a Greek bankruptcy case.
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