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Freigher under arrest in Valletta
The "HHL Rio de Janeiro" was arrested by the First Hall Civil Court at Valletta, due to unpaid credit on Jan 30, 2019. The departure permission has been cancelled by the Harbour Master until payments of credit together with legal expenses have been paid. The vessel remained stationary at te Laboratory Wharf in the Valletta inner harbour by Feb 4.
Released from detention
A French court has ordered for the release of a 20171 dwt general cargo ship owned by Germany-based shipping firm Beluga Shipping GmbH & Co KG., after the vessel was detained at the port of Lorient in north-western France since April 12. The Beluga Houston already left the port on May 20.
Beluga Houston, "project cargo" vessel operated by the German company Beluga Shipping, is blocking Kergroise Wharf at Lorient, for several weeks, with a crew of 19 Russian, Ukrainian and German sailors. Arrived on April 7 to unload 13,000 tons of maize, the Beluga Houston was locked after a decree of arrest was issued by the Commercial Court in Lorient. The core of the dispute is an unpaid bill of nearly $ 500,000 in bunkers, claimed by the company Petrol Bunker and Trading. Beluga Houston had already been seized at its previous stop in Rotterdam. An amicable agreement had lifted the seizure. "Four other ships of the company were seized around the world for the same claim. We now await the outcome of negotiations between Beluga and bunkering company, "says Francis Stone, ITF inspector, who went aboard to assess the situation.
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