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Collision on Don River
On April 4, 2024, the 'Konosha' was in collision with the cargo m/v 'Soormovskiy 3067' (IMO: 8704559), on the Don River. The “Sormovsky-3067” suffered hull damage which amounted to more than 1.7 million Russian rubles. The 'Konosha' was breached and dented at the port side foreship above the waterline. The transport investigation department has opened a criminal case due to violations of traffic safety rules and operation of water transport as a consequence. REport with photos: https://rostovgazeta.ru/news/2024-04-04/v-rostovskoy-oblasti-teplohod-protaranil-stoyaschiy-na-meli-sormovskiy-3067-5046304
Cargo vessel lightered and refloated
On Jan 6 the salvage company Donmar tried to pull off the "Konosha" in the Kerch-Yenikalsky channel with tugs. After this failed, a part of the cargo was lightered with a Floating crane onto the Russian cargo m/v "Hilamaya". which also is managed by the JSC Donrechflot. After 800 tons were taken off, the "Konosha" started to move at 5.40 p.m. One hour later the ship was floating again. It was taken to a position 10 kilometers off the coast to check the bottom for damage. Russian reports with photos and video: http://kerch.fm/2014/01/06/pod-kerchyu-idet-spasenie-rossiyskogo-suhogruza-video.html http://kerch.fm/2014/01/04/v-kerchenskom-prolive-na-mel-sel-rossiyskiy-suhogruz.html
Grounding in Kerch Strait
The "Konosha" ran aground on Jan 4 , 2014, at around 01.40 a.m. in the Kerch Strait whuke proceeding in southern direction off Takyl Cape, Crimea Peninsula, odin.tc reports. The vessel which was loaded with coal was en route from Eysk to Trabzon. Two Ukrainian tugs were contracted to refloat the ship and arrived to the site in the evening. The vessel was to be refloated during Jan 5. The cause of the grounding was yet unknown, reportedly it was either a navigational mistake or a steering failure.
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