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Ferry assisted in boat fire
On May 11 at 10:45 the MRCC in Bodø was notified about an engine room fire aboard a a catamaran, which had a crew of two on board. The car ferry "Ørnes" was sent to assist and went alongside so that the crew could be evacuated. Soon after the RITS group (rescue effort at sea) was sent aboard a Sea King rescue helicopter from Bodø. They were hoisted on board the ferry and went on board the casualty. When the smoke divers surveyed the situation, it turned out that there was no longer open fire on the boat. They cooled down the engine room and got control of the situation. The catamaran limped to ØrnesRoad with one of two engines still in operation. Neither of the two people on board were injured. Norwegian report with photos: http://www.an.no/nyheter/article6651417.ece
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