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Ocean Victory towed to port
On Dec 11 around 11 a.m. the "Ocean Victory" was pulled into the port of Ijmuiden after a tow of five hours and safely moored. Now it will be further inspected and possible repaired. Dutch report with photo: http://www.ijmuidercourant.nl/regionaal/ijmond/article19516573.ece/Ocean-Victory-aangekomen-in-haven-van-IJmuiden?lref=vpll
Ocean Victory underway to Ijmuiden
On Dec 11 around 6 a.m. the wind had subsided enough to start pulling the "Ocean Victory" away from the coast of Zaandvoort. The two tugs "Triton" and "Hercules" of the Danish company Svitzer Salvage pulled at the bow, while three other tugs, the "Svitzer Muiden", "Simson" and "Ievoli Black" which had its fouled propeller cleared at Ijmuiden in the meantime, served as stern tugs to steer the vessel which proceeded with a speed of three knots. Between 10.30 and 11.30 a.m. it was estimated to have it in the port of Ijmuiden. Dutch reports with photos: http://m.nrc.nl/nieuws/2012/12/11/ocean-victory-het-op-drift-geraakte-schip-bij-zandvoort-is-weggesleept/ http://www.volkskrant.nl/vk/nl/2686/Binnenland/article/detail/3361554/2012/12/11/Berging-Ocean-Victory-begonnen.dhtml http://www.rtl.nl/components/actueel/rtlnieuws/2012/12_december/11/binnenland/ocean-victory-naar-ijmuiden-gesleept.xml http://www.zvoort.nl/archief/vrachtschip-zet-stuurloos-koers-richting-zandvoort/
Salvage postponed
Due to wind and weather conditions the "Ocean Victory" will be towed to Ijmuiden only on Dec 11. Four tugs are in attendance and will start at 8 a.m. The wind was expected to decrease from 6 to 3 bf until then. Dutch reports with photo and video: http://www.deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws/buitenland/121210_Vrachtschip_Nederland http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/21145745/__Schip_nog_niet_versleept__.html
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