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Norholm refloaated
On Dec 16 at 3 p.m. the 'Norholm' could finally refloated off Marstal. The ship must now be checked for any damage. The two tugs 'DBB Asterix' and 'Dophin' ofthe Svendborg Bugser A/S had waited for a high tide before being able to pull the vessel off the sandbank after three days. At 4.15 p.m. the 'Norholm' was berthed in the port. She left the port again on Dec 18 at 9.15 a.m. and headed to Stralsund where she berthed in the North Port on Dec 19 at 5.50 a.m. Danish reports with photos and video:
Freighter aground off Marstal
In the morning Dec 14, 2019, the 'Norholm' suffered an enginne faulure off the port of Marstal enroute from Kaliningrad with a cargo of wood chips for the local power station. The tugs 'SBB Asterix' (MMSI: 9878125) and the Danish tug 'Dolphin' (IMO:9507386) were called to assist the vessel, but the towing wire broke during the attempt to get the vessel to port, and it ran aground outside the fairway in pos. 54° 50.81' N 010° 32.60' E close to the port at 8.42 a.m. Due to the low water level it could not yet be refloated and remained stuck on Dec 16 with the 'Dolphin' on standby. The 'Marie Miljø' was on standby too in Marstal if an oil spill occurred. Danish report with photo:
Grounding off Marstal
The "Norholm" ran aground in the afternoon of Dec 30, 2015, near the entrance to Marstal Harbour where it was to enter a dock at the Marstal Yard. Strong southeast winds and heavy current flows in the same direction took the ship off course just before the arrival. A tug was sent from Strynø and pulled the ship off around 5 p.m. Danish report with photos:
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