152 days ago
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Vessels in the port of Gothenburg with confirmed and suspected case of Covid-19
On April 28, 2020, two vessels entered the port of Gothenburg with a confirmed and suspected case of a person with Covid-19 on board, respectively. Both were isolated on board the respective vessels in accordance with the port's quarantine plan. The Port of Gothenburg is a so-called quarantine port, which primarily means that a quarantine plan has been drawn up that describes procedures for measures in the event of a socially dangerous illness that can arise on board ships. By following the quarantine plan and its carefully set rules and directives, it is ensured that any infected persons can access care without spreading infection. Aboard the 'Njord Viking' there was a resident of southern Sweden who, during the time at sea, received a positive test response for Covid-19. However, the person had mild, cold-like symptoms and could, on the advice of the connected infection control physician, go home with a rental car directly from the quay, after beomg isolated on board. The port of Gothenburg captain Åsa Kärnebro had received information when the ship was outside Scotland. The vessel, with a 14-person strong crew from Sweden and Norway, wanted to be quarantined in the port of Gothenburg, which was granted in accordance with the port's status as a quarantine port. On April 28 at noon the ship reached Gothenburg and docked at berth 752 in Arendal.On April 29 the ship was decontaminated, after which a new crew will come aboard. Former crew members, all of whom were symptom free, will then go to their respective home locations in Sweden and Norway in rental cars. The second vessel, which came downstream on the Göta Älv from Trollhättan, requested to dock at noon and was assigned berth 600 in the outer ports where it arrived about six hours later. One person who was isolated on board was also reported to have symptoms, which could be suspected to be Covid-19. The person was taken directly to the hospital at the advice of the infectious surgeon via pre-ordered ambulance for sampling. However, sampling showed that the person was not infected.
Viking Supply Ships moves four vessels to Norwegian flag
Swedish-headquartered supply shipping company Viking Supply Ships (VSS) has decided to move four of its AHTS vessels from the Danish International Ship Register (DIS) to the Norwegian flag. According to a statement on Thursday by Denmark’s largest maritime trade union CO-Sea, all fixed and long-term employees on the vessels have been offered new contracts under the NOR. The employees’ DIS contracts will be terminated and replaced by new, NOR contracts. The union stated that the transfer of four anchor handling tug and supply vessels, Loke Viking, Njord Viking, Magne Viking, and Brage Viking, will happen during the first quarter of 2017.The shipping company’s aim is to optimize the overall shipping operations by bringing together major parts of the fleet under the Norwegian flag to meet the increasingly strong competition in the offshore market The Danish Metals & Maritime Department (DMMA) set up a meeting with the respective Norwegian trade unions and the company for January 5, 2017. At the meeting, the parties wll clarify the details related to the transition of employees. Source: Offshore Energy Today
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