173 days ago
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Medevac from anchored tug
On Apr 28 at 11 a.m,. the KNRM station Scheveningen was called again to he "MTide Taurus" for a medical evacuation of a seriously ill patient aboard the anchored tug offScheveningen. Once the lifeboat "Kitty Roosmale Nepveu" was on scene, two crewmembers were transferred aboard. Because it was not clear whether there was danger of contagion, the usual precautions, such as wearing gloves, masks and goggles were taken. The patient was transferred aboard on a stretcher and taken to Scheveningen where an ambulance transported him to hospital. After this, the lifeboat, the material used and the crew were disinfected which took about two hours. Duch report with photos:
Tug in difficulties off Scheveningen
On Apr 26, 2016, the Scheveningen KNRM rescue station was notified by the Coast Guard of the "Mtide Taurus" which seemed to have been in difficulties off Scheveningen. The ship was moored in the anchorage area but had moved from the earlier position about 2 ½ miles towards the Dutch coast by strong NW wind force 8 and waves of four meters or more. Attempts to contact the vessel by VHF channels 16 and 21 by the Coast Guard and the traffic control center Scheveningen proved to be very difficult, and it was uncertain what was going on board. It was indicated that the captain was ill. Because the ship's strange behavior it was decided to send the lifeboat "Kitty Roosmale Nepveu" out. When arriving at the position of the "Mtide Taurus", the vessel was at that moment just behind the first line of surf, it was found that the starboard anchor was dropped, while the ship turned around with his port side engine working to reduce force on the anchor. Again the tug was called via VHF channel 67. The captain indicated that they were trying to find deeper water, because on the actual position the ship would be pushed through the surf towards the coast and continue drifting. When the starboard anchor chain almost out, the lifeboat guided the tug to a new position that was specified by the traffic center in Scheveningen. Arriving at that position, a lot further off the coast, the portside anchor of the tug was dropped. When the tug was safely moored, the lifeboat returned to Scheveningen. Dutch report with photos:
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