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1200 kg cocaine seized in container of MSC Sasha
The federal police of Antwerp and customs in Rotterdam found 1,200 kg of cocaine in a container that had come from Panama to Rotterdam and Antwerp. The container was diverted to a shed in Wilrijk, after which the police was able to arrest five suspects. The container arrived in Rotterdam aboard the 'MSC Sasha' on Sep 21, 2022. The investigative services were clearly aware that there was a container with cocaine on the ship, destined for Antwerp. The customs services in Rotterdam checked the container, removed the cocaine and filled the black sports bags with fake blocks. The container was returned to the ship, after which the 'MSC Sasha' continued its journey to Antwerp, where it arrived on Sep 26. At quay 1742, the black sports bags were switched to another container, which was picked up a little later by a driver of the criminal organization. The truck drove with the container to a warehouse on the Oudebaan in Wilrijk, where the organization would further distribute the batch of drugs. Federal police officers then entered the warehouse. There, among others, a man of Albanian origin and a Dutch private detective were arrested. The public prosecutor of Antwerp confirmed that five men have now been arrested, agedf 28, 29, 40, 45 and 54 years. At least four suspects appeared before the council chamber at the beginning of this week, which confirmed their arrest.
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