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Captain fired following sexual harrassment and assault
Maersk's American subsidiary, Maersk Line Limited, has fired its captain Mark Stinziano, following an infringement case from 2015. He was suspended by an American court on April 20 for 12 months, eight of which were suspended, in a case of sexual harassment and assault committed when Mark Stinziano was first mate on the "Maersk Idaho". However, the captain was not convicted on the indictment and the decision was appealed by the U.S. Coast Guard with demands for a harsher penalty. After the four-month suspension, Maersk Line Limited has chosen to fire Stinziano. After several infringement cases, Maersk has launched a comprehensive investigation, in which 350 female employees on the shipping company's ships are interviewed to map the extent of the problem.
Coast Guard demands harsher punishment for Maersk captain for sexual harrassment
The U.S. Coast Guard demanded a harsher punishment for the Maersk captain Mark Stinziano, who in April was only suspended for four months when a judge did not believe he had been guilty of sexual harassment and assault against the 2nd mate on the 'Maersk Idaho' back in 2014 and 2015. It was accusations of sexual harassment and abuse in the form of i.a. touches on the inner thighs, rubbing up the buttocks of a man who was also asked to wear a cap where the captain had drawn a penis, and the captain's use of sexually oriented nicknames which, according to the judge - the so-called Administrative Law Judge - were not enough for a decision after the indictment. His decision of April 20, 2022, was for a 12-month suspension, of which eight were made conditional, for "inappropriate" behaviour to Stinziano, who at the time sailed as 1st mate. But it is now being appealed by the U.S. The Coast Guard, which does not consider that the judge has placed sufficient emphasis on the examination of witnesses and, moreover, has not made a correct decision in relation to applicable law and precedent. The Coast Guard wants Stinziano convicted after the indictment, which means he loses the right to lead the ship as captain. Since the case against Stinziano, Maersk has been accused of not wanting to take responsibility in at least two cases of rape and sexual harassment from 2019 and 2021, respectively. The cases have led to extensive investigations in the Maersk company, where more than 350 female employees on the company's ships are interviewed to map the extent of the problem. And from that top of A.P. Møller - Maersk, the chairman of the board, Robert Maersk Uggla, has recently stated that he is ashamed that sexual assault, sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying occured in the industry - and unfortunately also in the own company which needs to change.
Captain suspended for a year for groping and abusing a cadet
A captain employed by Maersk's American subsidiary Maersk Line Ltd. has been sentenced of 12 months suspension, eight of which were made conditional, after being accused of groping and abusing a deck cadet on board the 'Maersk Idaho' on April 20, 2022. The judge found that Captain Mark Stinziano, when sailing as chief mate on the 'Maersk Idaho', had behaved “inappropriately” towards the deck cadet on several occasions in 2014 and 2015. It had thus - according to the judge from the US Coast Guard - happened by groping and grabbing him from behind, by simulating sex on two occasions, by threatening to hit the cadet in the groin, by drawing a penis on his helmet and by demanding , that the cadet called the chief mate “Big Daddy” and himself as “Buttercup”. Inappropriate, the judge said, but in his eyes the behaviour was not an expression of sexual abuse or sexual assault. Instead, it was "not in accordance with good order, discipline and safety at sea". TheMaersk Line Ltd. previously investigated Stinziano after the cadet's allegations of being abused. This led to the captain being recommended to take a training course. During the trial, Stinziano denied all charges against him, but admitted he had a raw sense of humor. Had he been convicted after the indictment he would have lost his right to lead the ship as captain.
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