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The "Enterprise" and "Leyte Gulf" stopped the pirate attack in the Arabian Sea on Mar 24. They received a distress call around 10:30 a.m. LT from the "Falcon Trader II". Pirates were trying to board their ship from a small skiff. A short time later the "Falcon Trader" called again. This time they said pirates were on board; the crew of 20 had locked themselves in a safe room with the ship’s controls. The warships each sent up a helicopter to investigate – one from Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 11 and the other from Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 48. On the scene, one of the helos fired warning shots in hopes of stopping the pirates’ attack. Two pirates then jumped off the vessel, back into their skiff. They headed for a mother ship. One of the helicopters followed them, and the pirates responded by firing at it with Kalashnikov rifles. The US ships stayed by over night. Early next morning a team boarded the vessel. U.S. forces are still monitoring the suspected pirate mother ship.
NATO reported an attack on merchant vessel at 0737 UTC March 24 2011 in position 22 26 N 063 40 E, and didn’t say whether vessel avoided pirates or not. Around 0200 March 25 Bangkok time I’ve got a phone call from a company, which is trying to check info they got on possible hijack of a bulk carrier Falcon Trader II. Last AIS signal ( from Falcon Trader II is dated March 24, 1500 UTC, pos 22 45 21N 063 49 50E, vessel drifting.
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