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Ship caught in damaged lock until next week
The Maxima lock will remain closed for weeks after the 'Levante' of the Amer Shipping from Raamsdonkveer, sailed into the lock gates. Rijkswaterstaat and Amer Shipping have not yet provided any information about the cause of the accident. The damage was extensive, as was evident from an inspection on Feb 19. Preparations are currently being made to lift out the lock gate. This will probably happen in the middle of next week. Until then, the ship will remain locked in the northern lock. Only when the lock gate has been lifted out can the full damage be mapped out and a proper assessment be made as to whether a new gate is needed or whether the damaged door can be repaired. Larger ships sailing from the wes, have to go via the Waal, from where they can 'return' from Weurt via the Grave lock towards Oss. Shipping from the south can follow the normal route via Grave. Report with photo: https://www.ad.nl/oss/voorlopig-is-de-grote-sluis-bij-lith-gestremd-door-een-aanvaring~a7379b02/
Vessel remains stuck in lock
The large lock in the Maas near Lith will remain closed for at least another week after the gates were seriously damaged by the 'Levante'. They can only be lifted out in the middle of next week. The full damage can only be mapped out once the lock gates have been removed. Only then can it be properly assessed whether a new gate is needed or whether the damaged gate can be repaired. The damage cannot yet be fully assessed, because it is mainly under water. The closure means that large and high ships will have to divert via Weurt in Gelderland for the time being. The 'Levante' will remain at the site of the accident. It is not possible to let the ship leave the lock on the other side of the lock. Experts had started looking at the damage on the morning of Feb 19, and whether the ship could be released.
Ship allided with lock in Lith
En route from Nifrik to Rottterdam, the 'Levante' allided with the lock doors in Lith on the afternoon of Feb 18, 2025. The doors were seriously damaged as a result. Shipping for larger ships has been disrupted as a result. The ship was still locked in the large lock chamber on the evening in pos. 51° 49' N 005° 27' E, because it was not yet known how extensive the damage to the doors actually was . For that reason, no risks were being taken. The damage will be assessed on Feb 19 and it will be assessed whether the doors can be repaired. Affected ships can sail around via Weurt. The small lock chamber at Lith remained open. It is suitable for ships up to 113.50 metres length and 7.10 m height. Report with photo: https://www.rijkswaterstaat.nl/nieuws/archief/2025/02/aanvaring-deuren-sluis-lith
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