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Cargo loss off Devon
Timber has been washed up at Westward Ho! after spilling from the "Lady Ariane" with district councils warning there could be more to come for North Devon's beaches. People have been warned not to put themselves at risk trying to salvage the wood believed to have washed overboard from the vessel on Jan 3, 2018 in storm Eleanor. The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has advised North Devon and Torridge district councils that a large number of timber pieces have already washed up at Westward Ho! after during bad weather eight tonnes of timber packets which were thought to have since broken up into individual planks were lost. The ship was able to continue with its journey from Varberg, where it sailed on Dec 28, 2017, and arrived at Newport on Jan 4 at 10.15 p.m. The Coastguard has been monitoring the drift pattern of the timber cargo and the likelihood of where it will wash up. Coastguard rescue teams have also been patrolling these areas to locate any timber. The timber will not be suitable for use as a building material as it’s been saturated with salt water. The Maritime & Coastguard Agency was continuing to work alongside the ship’s agents and the local authority. Report with photos:
Medevac in German Bight
On Oct 26. 2017, an injured crew member was medevaced from the "Lady Ariane" about 90 miles NW of Heligoland in the German Bight. The Philippino had fallen and suffered a head injury. The Danish MRCC in Aarhus notfied the German counterpart in Bremen. An SAR helicopter of the German Navy was deployed from Heligoland and hoisted a doctor from the frigate "Brandenburg" whi was dropped off at 8 p.m. on the cargo ship. Both patient and doctor were taken off the vessel at 8.30 p.m. and taken to the mainland.
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