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Tanker rescued 150 boat people
The Greek Coastguard on Sep 25, 2021, launched an SAR operation after a boat carrying around 150 people believed to be migrants ran into trouble off the country’s southwestern coast. The passing 'Aristofanis', en route from Trieste to the Sidi Kerir Terminal, raised the alarm after coming across the wooden boat, which was taking on water, about 70 nautical miles southwest of the islet of Schiza off the coast of the Peloponnese. The castaways were picked up by the ship. A patrol boat, one air force helicopter and one navy helicopter were scrambled to the area and continued the sSAR operation after one of the ship’s crew members told authorities he saw a woman fall into the sea while the migrants were being transferred onto the larger vessel. The 'Aristofanis' dropped off the migrants at Crete.
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