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Katre in Hvide Sande refloated
The "Katre" could be refloated on Nov 29 after a part of the cargo of wheat had been lightered with a mobile crane on board the dredger "Grete Fighter" of the Peter Madsen Rederi on Nov 29. The ship docked at the new cargo quay in Hvide Sande once it was floating again where it was to be inspected by divers. It had altered its course when entering port by unexplained reasons and soon after ran aground in shallow water south of the harbour entrance five days before. Danish reports with photos: http://www.maritimedanmark.dk/?Id=24889 http://www.tvmidtvest.dk/indhold/grundstoedt-skib-tilbage-i-havn
Cargo ship aground off Hvide Sande
On Nov 24, 2014, at 8.30 p.m. the "Katre" ran aground near the entrance of Hvide Sande inside the harbour jetties and is actually remaining there with a list to starboard and the bow down. There was no news date fixed when it would be again attempted to pull the ship free of the sandbar. The lifeboat "Emile Robin" and the f/v "Lisbeth Frich" managed to pull the ship behind the harbour jetties. An attempt to refloat the ship on Nov 25 at high tide around 4 p.m. failed. The ship was enroute from Pärnu to Hvide Sande with a cargo of 4000 tons wheat, when by unknown reasons she altered course and soon after got stuck in shallow water south of the harbour entrance. The East European captain was drug tested by the Danish police with negative result. He had declined pilot assistance when entering port. Danish reports with photos and videos: http://www.hvidesande.nu/grundstoedning-indsejlingen-til-hvide-sande/ http://www.tvmidtvest.dk/indhold/fragtskib-paa-grund-ved-hvide-sande http://dagbladetringskjern.dk/hvide-sande/fragtskib-fortsat-paa-grund https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205571362627519&set=a.4639517990058.188156.1356273724&type=1&theater http://instagram.com/p/v07MYvP-7V/ https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10154893802685512&set=vb.199020180511&type=2&theater http://ugeavisen.dk/artikel/77210:Hvide-Sande--HVIDE-SANDE--Fragtskib-grundstOedt http://dagbladetringskjern.dk/hvide-sande/fragtskib-bliver-hevet-fri-i-eftermiddag
Repairs of collision damage completed
The "Katre" after its collision with the Dutch container m/v "Statengracht" (IMO: 9288045), left the port of Szczecin on Mar 2 short past noon after completition of repairs and headed for Liepaja as first port of call where it docked on Mar 4 at 2.45 a.m. The "Statengracht" had also been repaired in the Polish port but left already on Feb 25 and docked, following a spell on Swinoujscie, at Rauma from Feb 28 to Mar 2.
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