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Oil leakage off Lipsoi
In the afternoon of Jan 4, 2023, the Port Authority of Patmos was informed of an oil leakage in the spare rudder pump of the 'Joy Star' with 14 passengers and seven crew members on board en route from Patmos to the ports of Lipsoi, Arkia, Agathonisi, Pythagorion Samos and return. The local emergency plan was immediately implemented and two patrol boats were tasked to provide assistance, while the 'Irini' was also put on standby. The crew repaired the damage by its own means, while due to the adverse weather conditions in the area, it sailed under its own power to the port of Lipsoi at a reduced speed, where it arrived at 6.55 p.m. UTC. and left the port again on Jan 5 at 7 a.m. en route to Patmos.
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