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Detention in Novorossiysk
On March 6, 2023, the 'Jordania' was detained in Novorossiysk with 11 deficiencies, nine being seriously: 1) Propulsion and auxiliary machinery - Auxiliary machinery Not as required 2) Labour conditions - Access/structural features (ship) Not as required 3) Life saving Appliances - Fast rescue boats Not as required 4) Life saving Appliances - Line-throwing appliance Not as required 5) Life saving Appliances - Lifeboats Not properly maintained 6) Life saving Appliances - Rescue boat inventory Not as required 7) Safety of navigation - Voyage data recorder Not as required 8)) Pollution Prevention - Other (Marpol Annex V) Other 9) Emergency systems - Emergency lighting, batteries and switches The vessel was released again on March 7 and left the porton March 8 en route to Ambarli, where it arrived on March 11.
Grounding in Gulf of Finland
The "Njord" ran aground on May 17, 2018, at 2.50 a.m. in fair weather and good visibility conditions, having 626 containers on board, in the Gulf of Finland in position 60 03 N 028 20 E, south of Primorsk. The ship had sailed from St- Petersburg on May 16 at 9 p.m. and was bound to Rotterdam. ETA May 20. Attempts to refloat by own means failed. In the afternoon the ship was floating again in the afternoon and continued the voyage to Rotterdam with an ETA as of May 21 with a speed of 14 knots.
sold at Auction to undisclosed owner
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