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Man crushed to death on board the Tasmanian Achiever
Anthony Attard, a member of the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) and employee of Toll Group, Australia’s largest transport company, was crushed to death on board the Tasmanian Achiever while docked at the Toll Shipping facility in Port Melbourne. The deceased was helping load cargo on board the Roll-on Roll-off vessel at around 1:45PM on Tuesday when he was run over by a vehicle. In a statement, the Union called for greater focus on waterfront safety noting it “must be mandatory and it must be law.” Attards’s brother and best friend were with him when he died and he is survived by his wife and three children. Source gCaptain
RoRo-ship saved distressed crew of ketch
On Feb 3, 2014, the "Tasmanian Achiever" saved the crew of three of a distresses 11-m-ketch in the Bass Strait. The s/y had got in distress enroute from Melbourne to Tasmania about 53 miles off Victoria's Wilsons Promontory in severe seas. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority's Rescue Coordination Centre informed ships around and sent a Dornier aircraft and a helicopter of Ambulance Victoria. At 9.45 p.m, three hours after the initial distress call, the "Tasmanian Achiever" enroute from Burnie to Melbourne reached the ketch which was tossed around in the waves, and took on board its crew. One man suffered a cut and was transferred to the The Alfred Hospital.
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