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Allision in Livorno
The "Janas" allided with a moored cargo ship in the port of Livorno on Nov 4, 2017. The ship was about to exit port, bound to Olbia, when the accident happened at 9.30 p.m. The ferry with 456 passengers on board had to return to port for investigations ,There were no injuries, and the ferry finally departed from Livorno on Nov 5 at 3 a.m.
Deported migrants rioted ferry
63 immigrants who were boarded on the "Janas" for deportation from Italy rioted and went on rampage during her voyage from Cagliari to Naples in the evening of Feb 20, 2017. They devastated a number of cabins, threatening part of the 200 other passengers. One mobile phone was robbed, some passengers suffered physical violence. People locked themselves in cabins, while migrants were trying to break in. The police was informed, and upon the arrival of the ferry at Naples the migrants were arrested. The ferry underwent a thorough search for those who may hide inside the vessel’s compartments. Om Feb 21 at 7.20 p.m. the ship left Naples to Cagliari. Several of the protagonists of the raids were part of a group of 112 Algerians who had landed in recent days on the coast south of Sardinia. The 63 rioting migrants have been detained and are awaiting decision. Among them 29 were under an expulsion order, 32 were legal immigrants while two were not in possession of personal documents. The latter were taken to police headquarters where they will be identified in order to verify their state of regularity. Italian reports with photos: http://www.lastampa.it/2017/02/21/italia/cronache/traghetto-tirrenia-devastato-da-immigrati-a-bordo-per-il-rimpatrio-GWlGYbCwmoV3iHoLIqzChK/pagina.html http://gds.it/2017/02/21/notte-incubo-sul-traghetto-furti-e-molestie-da-un-gruppo-di-migranti_631906/ http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/cagliari-napoli-notte-paura-traghetto-ostaggio-dei-migranti-1367342.html http://news.fidelityhouse.eu/cronaca/traghetto-della-tirrenia-preso-in-ostaggio-260640.html http://www.newsly.it/traghetto-tirrenia-cagliari-napoli-migranti http://lanuovasardegna.gelocal.it/regione/2017/02/21/news/caos-sul-traghetto-l-ad-di-tirrenia-niente-danni-ne-lesioni-alle-persone-1.14914915?refresh_ce
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