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Wega II twice needed help of lifeboats
On Oct 26, 2012, the "Wega II - ST 26" was disabled 12 miles off the West Frisian coast. The crew of two had noticed the MRCC Bremen in the evening about an engine failure causing the ship to go adrift with its nets out in the Eider approach of the Norderpiep. The lifeboat "Theodor Storm" from the DGzRS station Buesum was called and took the "Wega II“ in tow one hour later. The ship was taken to Buesum within 2,5 hours. As the nets were still hanging over the ship's sides it could not enter the port and was anchored in a sheltered area. But the anchor dragged in the current and in 5 bf wind, and on Oct 27 the "Hermann Helms" was called to keep the ship in position. Meanwhile the f/v "Damkerort“ assisted in recoverung the anchor gear, before the "Wega II" could be pulled into the safety of the harbour. German report with photo: http://www.seenotretter.de/presse/pressemitteilungen-im-detail/article/seenotretter-bringen-manoevrierunfaehigen-krabbenkutter-sicher-in-den-hafen-von-buesum.html?tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=30&cHash=a73385c8c4466b3bf5417dce7f7c2c38
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