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Medevac off Dutch Harbor
An Air Station Kodiak Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew, forward deployed to the Bering Sea region, medevaced an ill crewman from the "Jamaica Bay" 92 miles west of Dutch Harbor, on Aug 20, 2013. The watch center in Juneau had received a medevac request from the crew of the vessel in the early morning. The "Jamaica Bay", more than 356 miles west of Dutch Harbor at the time of the request, was outside the range of the Dolphin. The watchstanders directed the crew of the bulk carrier to alter course toward Dutch Harbor. The Dolphin crew launched from Dutch Harbor once the vessel was in range and hoisted the mariner, a 37-year-old Chinese mariner, who was suffering from severe abdominal distress, aboard and transported him safely to awaiting emergency medical personnel in Dutch Harbor for treatment.
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