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Ship dismasted in choppy weather in the Northsea
In the evening of Sep 29, 2012, the "Jacob Meindert" was dismasted in stormy weather with wave heights of three metres and winds of 6 bf off Terschelling while enroute from Kiel to Rotterdam. Both masts fell over board. The unmanoevarable ship called the KNRM which reiased alarm at the stations Paal 8 and West-Terschelling. The lifeboat "Frans Hogewind" was the first ship on scene at 7.40 p.m. and transferred two crew members aboard the disabled vessel. They found out that by chance no one was injured or lost over board. Next they started to remove the chaos on deck. Meanwhile also the lifeboat "Arie Visser" from West-Terschelling and salvors of Noordgat with the "Hurricane" arrived. The masts were secured alongside so that the "Jacob Meindert" could be pulled to Harlingen. Once calmer waters were reached, the "Hurricane" was able to make its way alone, the KNRM-men were taken off the "Jacob Meindert", and the lifeboats returned to their stations around 4 a.m. Once in port, it became clear that the "Jacob Meindert" suffered extensive damage. Dutch report with photos: http://www.112sudwestfryslan.nl/2012/09/30/zeiljacht-totaal-vernield-door-harde-wind/
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