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First lifting job for OOS Gretha successfully completed
On 05th of June 2014 the OOS GRETHA successfully completed her first lifting operations with the 1800T cranes on DP mode. The OOS GRETHA was urgently requested by Petrobras to perform lifting operations at the P-61 in the Campos Basin offshore of Macae â Brazil. OOS GRETHA,managed by OOS International B.V, is a semi-submersible accommodation crane vessel equipped with 2 Huisman cranes 1800 T each, two 40T service cranes and can accommodate 618 persons.
CIMC Raffles' semisubmersible accommodation rigs begin working for Petrobras
The semisubmersible accommodation rigs OOS Gretha and OOS Prometheus, which were designed and built by CIMC Raffles, had passed all the tests and were accepted by Petrobras on Apr. 18, 2014, and begin working for Petrobras in the coming 4 years, the company said in its press release.
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