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Food and supplies delivered to stranded crew
Food and supplies have been delivered to the crew stuck on the 'H&S Wisdom', stuck on a sand bank near Brough in the Humber estuary, waiting for suitable tide conditions for it to be refloated. After four attempts to free the vessel failed, further attempts might not be possible until April. Report with video: https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cge12zye470o
Part of cargo to be unloaded
After the first three attempts to refloat the 'H&S Wisdom', on the Humber have failed, it may take weeks to remove the ship from the shoals, as the grounding happened during one of the highest water levels of the year on the evening of March 2, which was still above the forecast. A similar water level is needed to free the 'H&S Wisdom', which is not expected again until the end of the month. It will then take until October before a similarly high water level can be expected. The plan was now to unload part of the cargo to give a salvage attempt at the end of March a better chance of success. Report with photo: https://www.schuttevaer.nl/nieuws/actueel/2025/03/05/amasus-schip-hs-wisdom-liep-vast-op-een-van-de-hoogste-waterstanden-van-het-jaar-en-dat-bemoeilijkt-de-berging/
Grounding in the Humber estuary - salvage attempts failed
On March 2 at around 7 p.m. the 'H&S Wisdom' ran aground in pos. 53° 43' N 000° 35' W in the Humber estuary off Brough near Welton. The ship had left Rotterdam on March 1 and was heading to the Gunness Wharf Port near Scunthorpe, which is operated by the RMS Trent Ports. The ship was still stuck on the flat, muddy bottom as of March 5. The Humber Rescue attempted to refloat the vessel once on March 2 and twice on March 3, but was unsuccessful. It was first alerted to the ship at 9:08 p.m. GMT. After the failed attempts that evening, and in coordination with HM Coastguard Humber, a second attempt was made on March 3 at 07:00 a.m. with the assistance of three tugs. A third attempt was made at 6:00 p.m. the same day. The ship remained in the same position as of March 6. Reports with photos: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cwygwvwql5yo https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy4lnj7le82o https://gi-grimsby.co.uk/2025/03/04/ship-runs-aground-in-river-humber/ https://maritime-executive.com/article/photos-cargo-vessel-stuck-in-the-mud-in-uk-s-humber-estuary
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