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Militant farmers blocked ferry with Minister Habeck
Numerous German farmers opposed Economics Minister and Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck at the ferry pier in Schlüttsiel on Jan 4, 2024. After his vacation, farmers blocked the 'Hilligenlei', on which the politician was.Around 30 of the demonstrators even tried to storm the ferry when it left again. The police intervened and used pepper spray. Rumors had previously spread on the internet about a citizens' dialogue with Habeck in Schlüttsiel. This did not stop numerous farmers from blocking the pier in the ferry port where Habeck was supposed to dock on the way back from his vacation. There were more than 100 demonstrators. The mood was very heated, and the security situation did not allow a conversation with all farmers. When the ferry finally wanted to leave again because of the blocked pier, dozens of demonstrators tried to get on the ship, which the police prevented. The police was surprised by the protest and ended up with around 30 officers on duty. But the situation could not be calmed down, the ferry with the Federal Minister of Economics finally had to leave again and go back to Hooge. Reports with photos and video: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/habeck-bauern-faehre-schluettsiel-100.html https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/robert-habeck-in-schluettsiel-bauernverband-verurteilt-blockade-aktion-scharf-a-05ffb6fd-4d17-4a55-8c1d-7589f2b14084 https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Faehre-blockiert-Habeck-in-SH-von-wuetenden-Bauern-abgefangen,habeck1116.html
Sailings cancelled due to technical problems
Due to technical problems the sailings between Schlüttsiel via Hooge and Langeneß to Amrum had to be cancelled on Aug 28 and 29, 2011. Only passengers and no cars were transported in additional sailings of the "Seeadler" from Hooge to Schlüttsiel and the "Hauke Haien" from Schlüttsiel via Hooge to Langeneß.
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