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Vehicles carrier repaired after suffernig explosion damage
The 'Helios Ray' has completed repair works in Dubai in the morning of March 2 and left the port towards the Gulf of Oman again. The vehicle carrier was docked at the port for several days after sustaining damages to its hull, which seemed to have been the result of an intentional explosion. Iran strongly rejected Israel's claim that Tehran was behind the blast on board the vehicle carrier in the Gulf of Oman.
Damaged car carrier berthed in Dubai
On Feb 28, the 'Helios Ray' has docked in port after arriving in the Rashid Port in Dubai after having suffered a mysterious explosion in the Gulf of Oman. The blast revived security concerns in Mideast waterways amid heightened tensions with Iran. The vessel sustained two holes on its port side and two on its starboard side just above the waterline. The 'Helios Ray' had discharged cars at various ports in the Persian Gulf before making its way out of the Middle East towards Singapore. The blast hit as the ship was sailing from the Saudi port Dammam out of the Gulf of Oman, forcing it to turn to Dubai for inspection. The damage is to be repaired in a dry dock of port operator DP World. Report with photo: https://gcaptain.com/roro-hit-by-explosion-hobbles-into-dubai-for-assessment/
Explosion in Gulf of Oman
On Feb 26, 2021, there was an explosion aboard the 'Helios Ray' while it was transiting the Gulf of Oman enroute from Dammam to Dubai, 44 nautical miles northwest of Muscat. The crew was reported to be safe. The ship sustained two holes on its port side and two holes on its starboard side just above the waterline in the blast. It had been nearly entering the Arabian Sea around 6 a.m. before it suddenly turned around and began heading back toward the Strait of Hormuz. The cause of the explosion also was unknown so far, but security firm Dryad Global pointed out that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have previously carried out attacks in the opposite direction. The damage was was most likely caused by missiles or a mine placed on the bow. The company urged other ships in the waters to sail the waters with great caution.
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