2611 days ago
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arrived Jiangyin scrapyard
arrived Jiangyin scrapyard 23.08.17
Lighter capsized after collision off Chittagong
The bulkcarriers "Sainty Valliant" and "Great Scenery", which had arrived from Nantong on Mar 5, collided on the outer anchorage of Chittagong on Mar 7, 2016, around 10.30 p.m. The "Sainty Valiant", having come from Salalah, had the lighter "Khan Sons" alongside for cargo transfer at the time of collision. The lighter with 12 crew members on board capsized, 10 were rescued by the Bangladesh Coastguard, two went missing.
Quarantine ship moved to anchorage off Durban
The "Great Scenery" which had arrived off Durban on Feb 6, 2015, and was denied free pratique on account of the death of the ship’s chief cook under suspicious circumstances, has been moved to the port’s outer anchorage until further notice. The ship arrived off Durban with the news that the chief cook had died of a mystery illness. The ship had come direct from West Africa although it hadn’t called at any of the country’s affected by the deadly Ebola virus. On arrival off the port a port health forensic pathologist boarded the ship and did a rapid test for malaria, which has similar symptoms to Ebola. The results proved negative and as a result he has recommended that a full post mortem examination be undertaken to determine the cause of death. For this reason the ship entered port to have the deceased removed under strict conditions. It berthed on Pier 1, berth 103 but has since been transferred to the outer anchorage. As a precautionary note, Port Health officials and Spilltech, which was employed by the ships agents, boarded the ship in port where they managed the removal of the body and carried out a decontamination of the ship. Spilltech also provided the TNPA and Port Health authorities with a detailed plan and precautions that were put in place to ensure the safe handling of the body and sanitisation.
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