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Ship disabled off Pulau Sakala
The 'Grand Fortune', which departed from Probolinggo to Molawe on Sep 29, 2024, has been experiencing engine problems since Oct 4, when it suffered a technical issue with its auxiliary engine. On Oct 6, the ship suffered a blackout in the waters north of Pulau Sakala, Sapeken Archipelago, Sumenep. The engine failure resulted in the loss of power, leaving the ship adrift. The vessel dropped anchor north of Pulau Sakala at 09:00 a.m. LT at a water depth of approximately 10 meters in pos. 06°28’51.31” S 116°14’42.24 E. Several components sustained damage, including the control room panel, the dynamo panel box and the AE 1 switch breaker were damaged, so that the vessel required immediate assistance. The food supplies onboard were reported to be sufficient for the day, but they were expected to run low by the next morning. As a result, UPP Sapeken quickly dispatched emergency provisions and food supplies for the crew. A rescue vessel from UPP Sapeken was dispatched at 09:00 a.m. LT and arrived by 6 p.m. LT in order to support the crew until a tug from Banjarmasin arrived to tow the vessel to the nearest port for repairs. Report with photo:
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