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Grounding in Akita
The 'Fukuharu Maru' ran aground in the shallow waters of Akita City on Feb 15, 2024, just after 7:20 a.m. near the Ohama quay of the port with nine crew members and a cargo of cement on board. The Akita Coast Guard has dispatched the patrol vessel 'Shinzan' to the scene to investigate the cause of the accident. The water depth on the port side of the bow was approximately one meter. The ship was pulled out again by two tugs at around 1:15 p.m. It then took about 40 minutes to berth on its own at a quay about 800 meters to the north. At the time of the accident, the wind was blowing from the southwest at 8 meters per second. Reports with photos: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASS2H3TJTS2HULUC008.html?iref=pc_photo_gallery_bottom https://www.asahi.com/articles/photo/AS20240215001571.html?iref=pc_photo_gallery_next_arrow
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