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Wreck to be demilished at Helguvík
After the "Fernanda" has reached the harbour of Grundartanga, the owners of the ship and the representatives of the insurance surveyed the wreck. The Estonian insurance company took custody of the case. First, the remaining oil with a quantity of 50-100 tons was pumped oil from the ship. About 30 tonnes of oil contaminated water was pumped from the wreck of the on Nov 13. Subsequently, the insurance company sought bids for demolition. The Faxaflóahafnir Coast Guard has approved a request to pull the ship to dock at the scrapyard at Helguvík. Icelandic reports with photo and video: http://www.ruv.is/frett/fernanda-rustir-einar http://www.ruv.is/frett/tjonid-a-fernondu-metid-a-morgun http://www.rúv.is/frett/oliumengudum-sjo-daelt-ur-fernondu
Fernanda in Grundartangi
On Nov 7 the "Fernanda" was pulled into the port of Grundartangi in Hvalfjördur. Thie fire rescue of Akranes surrounded the wreck with an oil boom. As the ship still container dangerous substances, the fire rescue took safety measures but could not yet board the vessel as possibly toxic fumes were detected and they had no suitable equipment. Also there are lots of contaminated water in the engine room and other spaces which needed to be deployed of. During the weekend representatives of the insurers and owners were expected on site. Possible the ship will be towed to Danish shipbreakers lateron. Reports with photos and video: http://www.visir.is/taeknideild-rannsakar-fernondu-i-dag/article/2013131109294 http://www.icelandreview.com/icelandreview/daily_news/Burnt_Ship_Towed_to_West_Iceland_Harbor_0_404029.news.aspx http://www.visir.is/eigendur-fernondu-koma-til-landsins-a-morgun/article/2013131109200
Thor pulling wreck to Grundartanga
In consultation with Faxaflóahafnir and the Environmental agence it has been decided to pull the "Fernanda" to Grundartanga. The Coast Guard ship "Thor" took the wreck in tow and was expected there on Nov 6. Icelandic Report with photo: http://www.lhg.is/frettirogutgafa/frettir/nr/2669
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