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Bulk carrier assisted damaged yacht
The South African Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre tracked the progress of Australian solo sailor Lisa Blair, on her 15 meter yacht "Climate Action", that suffered structural damage and a collapsed mast during a storm 895 nautical miles South East of the South African Coast on April 3, 2017. At the time of her Pan Pan emergency call, although not injured, safe, in no imminent danger, and able to continue under motor power, options were investigated for her to head towards Marion Island or towards the Prince Edward Islands (which would have sent her in a direction away from the South African Coastline). The MRCC requested the assistance of the "Far Eastern Mercury", who were then 750 nautical miles from her position, to rendezvous with yacht Climate Action to deliver reserve fuel and the vessel volunteered to assist and this option was accepted as it meant the "Climate Action" would motor on her own power towards South Africa and rendezvous with the "Far Eastern Mercury" on her way. The "Far Eastern Mercury" provided additional fuel for the yacht to reach the South African Coast. On April 12, the yacht Cmotored into the Port of Table Bay at 4 p.m. under her own power and NSRI Table Bay’s sea rescue craft "Spirit of Day" assisted her to a safe berth in the V&A Marina and no further assistance was required. Photo: http://nsri.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Rescue-3A-Lisa-Blair-465x620.jpg
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