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Crew member infected with COVID 19
A crew member of the 'Esmeralda' which is currently berthed in Talcahuano, was infected with Covid-19. The information was confirmed by the region's chief of defense, Rear Admiral Carlos Huber. The ship arrived on June 16, 2020, to carry out maintenance works. There was an epidemiological investigation to know the close contacts of the infected person. The maintenance work would last 15 days. After that time, the crew would return to Valparaíso, but the period could be extended since this commune is in quarantine.
Pinochet's torture ship sails into Sydney, sparking protests
The appearance of a Chilean naval vessel in Sydney Harbour, which had been used as a “torture chamber” by the Pinochet regime, has sparked protests from Chilean-Australians who say it should be removed from service. The Esmeralda, a four-masted tall ship that is nearly 400ft long, is in Sydney as part of its 61st training cruise and has been docked at Garden Island since Thursday morning. Considered a national symbol of Chile, it is used as a sail training vessel by the country’s navy and spends about half the year sailing around the world. It was last in Sydney in 2012. But its tours have sparked controversy after a series of human rights reports revealed that the ship was used to detain victims of the Augusto Pinochet’s regime in September 1973.
Los cadetes del Buque Escuela "Esmeralda" de la Armada de Chile, arribaron el día 15 al puerto panameño Vasco Núñez de Balboa de la ciudad de Panamá, en su periplo por varios países latinoamericanos, dijo el día 15 Vladimir Rodríguez, vocero del Servicio Nacional Aeronaval. Esta tripulación de 333 marinos, entre estudiantes, oficiales de la Marina, del Ejército y de la Aviación chilena, cumplirán una agenda oficial en territorio panameño, que incluye una ofrenda floral al monumento del primer presidente de Panamá, Manuel Amador Guerrero. Rodríguez indicó a Xinhua que los marinos del "Esmeralda" también rendirán honores frente al monumento del máximo héroe naval de Chile, el comandante Arturo Prat, ubicado en la zona histórica del corazón de la capital panameña. (Xinhua) 16/07/2010
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