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En Avant 20 in Ijmuiden after "Thetis" took over tow
After the "En Avant 20" arrived in Ijmuiden on Oct 23 with the stone loaded barge "Stema Mibau II", the Dutch tug "Thetis" took over the wow, and the "En Avant 20" proceeded to the Ymond Port. Both tugs actually were remaining in Ijmuiden. Dutch photo report: http://www.tugspotters.com/site/content/2014/10/en-avant-20-11/
Tug lost barge
The "En Avant 20" lost the Honduras-flagged barge "Stema Barge II" of the Splitt Chartering ApS in the evening of Oct 21, 2014, approximately 70 kilometers northwest of Den Helder in severe storm. The 135 meter long barge with 15,000 tons of stone on board went adrift and threatened two platforms in the North Sea. The Dutch Coastguard sent the emergency tug "Ievoli Amaranth". In wind Forces of eight Beaufort the barge passed the platforms and drifted towards Texel. At midnight it was about 20 kilometers from the coast. Svitzer Salvage and the Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen were waiting for a possibility to transfer a crew aboard. The "Amaranth Ievoli" managed to conntect a towing wire with the assistance of a Coast Guard helicopter in the morning of Oct 22. It was decided to pull the barge to IJmuiden. Dutch Report and photos: https://twitter.com/Kustwacht_NL?original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kustwacht.nl%2Fnl%2Fliveblog221014.html&profile_id=310871408&related=%40Kustwacht_NL%2C%20%23Kustwacht_NL&tw_i=524926511586234368&tw_p=embeddedtimeline&tw_w=367919028154556416 http://www.tugspotters.com/site/content/2014/10/the-ant-vlotgetrokken-door-multraship/
Sleepdienst Muller Dordrecht commissioned ASD tug En Avant 20 (former Claus)
Last Friday (June 28,2013) Sleepdienst Muller Dordrecht commissioned the ASD tug, Escort / Harbour & Seagoing tugboat / Ice-classed 2006 Germany (Lindenau Schiffswerft Kiel) built EN AVANT 20 (ex Claus) into their fleet.
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