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Grounding on the Elbe
In the late evening of Aug 21, 2018, the "Elan" ran aground on the Elbe off the main dike Altengamme in Hamburg. The ship had loaded 1.200 tons heating oil and three tons heavy fuel. The fire rescue was alerted at 9.40 p.m. The crew of three was safe. Rescue forces from Altengamme, Krauel, Bergedorf and Vierlande attended along with two fire boats from Altengamme and Krauel as well as the police. After one hour the barge refloated again with the rising tide without external assistance. German reports with photos: http://www.rtntvnews.de/news/16653/Binnentanker-auf-Grund-gelaufen/ http://www.ln-online.de/Nachrichten/Norddeutschland/Niedrigwasser-Schiff-mit-Schweroel-lief-auf-Grund-auf
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