1862 days ago
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Film star went to breakers
The 'Earl of Pembroke', which had been berthed at the Flaneerkade in Den Helder for about five years, has left the port for scrapping. Earlier this year it became clear that demolition was imminent for the ship. The Russian owner saw no point in refurbishing the ship. The originally Swedish three-master had an impressive history and appeared in films such as 'Cloud Atlas' and 'Alice in Wonderland'. Prospective buyers dropped out because the ship cannot be transported via inland waterways. The ship has now left under tow of the 'LEn H' and 'OH Scrap' via the Wadden Sea, Den Oever and the IJsselmeer to the shipbreaking yard Hoeben in Kampen on Nov 29, 2022, and lifted ashore in Hoeben on Dec 2, where recycling works immediately commenced. Report with photos: https://www.noordhollandsdagblad.nl/cnt/dmf20221206_39782897?utm_source=www.kustvaartforum.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=/viewtopic.php?t=7967&start=590
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