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Ship sank, crew rescued
On Oct 21, 2024, the KLM 'Sukses Sejahtera' sank in the waters northwest of Gosong Aling. At 8:20 p.m. the WIB KM 'Dharma Kariika' reported its position four miles northwest of Gosong Aling, en route from Pontianak to Semarang, in search for the victims of the KLM 'Sukses Sejahtera' in pois. 02°58'12"S 109°25'68" E. Initial information was obtained from the m/v 'Duta Azzam '(MMSI: 533130553), which provided the approximate location of the victims. At 9:21 p.m. the KM 'Dharma Kariika 7' indicated that the 'Duta Azzam' had found eight victims aboard a lifeboat. However, the 'Duta Azzam' was unable to assist due to the vessel being too high and long to carry out the operation. The KM 'Dharma Kariika 7' headed to the postion to rescue thje castaways. At 9.35 p.m. the eight victims were rescued in safe condition aboard the ship and taken to Semarang,
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