17 days ago
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Barge pushed by Defiance struck wall
The U.S. Coast Guard has engaged federal and state partners, in their response to a report of a barge that struck barge struck the walls of the lock approach to The Dalles while transiting on the Columbia River on Nov 23, 2012. The double-bottom barge "Tri-City Voyager", 3550 dwt (IMO: 1234567), which was being pushed by the "Defiance", had approximately 1,770,000 gallons of diesel fuel on board. The Coast Guard Sector Columbia River command center received a call at 3:13 a.m., from the agent of the Tidewater Tug Co., stating that the "Tri-City Voyager" struck an object in the water while transiting north on the Columbia River near The Dalles Dam. Defiance crewmembers conducted an immediate assessment, which included a sounding of their fuel tanks and bottom hull, and saw no breech and reported no pollution. The tug and barge continued north, through the Dalles Dam locks, at approximately 4 a.m., and safely moored at the upper basin north wall. At approximately 4:09 a.m., The Dalles lock operators reported, to the Coast Guard, no smell of diesel fuel and no visible pollution. Members of the Coast Guard Incident Management Division, from Sector Columbia River, in Astoria, Ore., are responding as well as marine inspectors from Marine Safety Office Portland, Oregon. They conducted an inspection of the double-bottom barge and determined there was no pollution or breach to the hull on Nov 23 morning.
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