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Container ship caused collapse of gantry crane
On May 18, 2017, at 1.45 p.m., the "Dha Zhi" allided with the gantry crane No. 1 at the Ro-Ro wharf in Abidjan during mooring operations at berth 21. The crane toppled and collapsed onto the quay, crushing or shifting several containers. While no one was injured, the damage was significant. A safety zone was established. Other port operations were not affected. Reports with photos: http://www.financialafrik.com/2017/05/19/un-portique-endommage-par-un-navire-au-terminal-a-contenu-du-port-dabidjan/#.WSAgqmikLIU https://felixstowedocker.blogspot.de/2017/05/incident-at-terminal-has-containers-of.html
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