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Allision in Bützfleth
On April 6, 2020, at 1.15 a.m. the 'CSL Elbe', upon its arrival from Rafnes in loaden condition, allided with the pier of the North Port in Stade-Bützfleth. The ship was running astern to get to its berth under conduct of a pilot. The ship had assistance tugs at bow and stern. But during the berthing manoever the ship hit the pier which suffered damage as well as the port side stern of the bulkcarrier. The water police Stade launched an investigation, and the ship was detained after berthing. At 6.30 p.m. it left the port again and headed to Jossingfjord with an ETA as of April 8. German report with photo: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/119277/4565749
Fuel pipe ruptured and disabled CSL Elbe
In the night of Mar 23, 2011, at 1 a.m. the "CSL Elbe" was disabled after a fuel pipe ruptured just south of the bridge in Nærøy Strait outside Rørvik. The pilot on board required towing assistance after the ship had to stop the main engine due to the danger of fire in the engine room. The "CSL Elbe" was loaded with 9000 tons of limestone from Lessremman and heading south to Elnesvågen. The rescue boat "Harald V" and the coastguard vessel "Njord" were alarmed. The rescue boat managed to hold the "CSL Elbe" in position until by 2 a.m. and move it to open waters until the problems were fixed around 4.30 a.m. The CG vessel "Njord" was in stand-by position until the ship was clear to proceed and dropped the pilot at Grimma l/h. The rescue boat suffered some damage at the starboard stern during the dramatic rescue operation. Norwegian report with photo: http://www.nssr.no/Forside/Oljes%C3%B8l+forhindret.129352.cms
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