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Lanchas interdicted and let adrift in Gulf of Mexico by USCG
The 'Daniel Tarr' and the Coast Guard Station South Padre Island boat crews, in coordination with Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi Command Center watch standers and Coast Guard Air Station Corpus Christi aircrews, detected and interdicted a total of 16 Mexican fishermen engaged in illegal fishing north of the Maritime Boundary Line (MBL) in the Gulf of Mexico on the night of March 12, 2025. After interdicting four lanchas, the Coast Guard crews took the fishermen into custody, brought them ashore, and transferred them to U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel for processing. Coast Guard personnel also seized an approximate total of 2,500 pounds of red snapper, along with fishing gear and equipment found on board the vessels. Two of the lanchas were also seized, while two were marked and left adrift due to flooding and instability. Report with video:
Coast Guard Cutter rescued crew of lancha
The 'Daniel Tarr' interdicted two lanchas and seized 460 pounds of illegally caught fish in federal waters off southern Texas on April 9, 2024, along with Boat crews from the Coast Guard Station South Padre Island in coordination with Coast Guard Air Station Corpus Christi aircrews. They located and stopped a total of nine Mexican fishermen engaged in illegal fishing north of the Maritime Boundary Line. A Coast Guard Station South Padre Island 33-foot Special Purpose Craft-Law Enforcement crew interdicted two lanchas that began rapidly taking on water once stopped. The boat crew embarked the fishermen to ensure their safety and transferred them to Coast Guard Cutter. Additionally, Coast Guard personnel seized 460 pounds of red snapper, three sharks, fishing gear and high flyers found on board the vessels. Coast Guard crews detained the Mexican fishermen, brought them ashore and transferred the detainees to U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel for further processing. Report with photo:
Coast Guard Cutter interdicted lancha
The 'Daniel Tarr' interdicted a lancha boat crew and seized 600 pounds of illegally caught fish in federal waters off southern Texas on June 17, 2022. Coast Guard Sector/Air Station Corpus Christi command center watchstanders received a notification from U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel of four fishermen engaged in illegal fishing aboard a lancha approximately 9 miles north of the Maritime Boundary Line. The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter launched a 26-foot over-the-horizon cutter boat crew and seized illegal fishing equipment and 600 pounds of red snapper found on board the lancha. Coast Guard personnel detained the four fishermen and transferred them to border enforcement agents for processing.
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